In 1994, Tombstone Trading Company founder David P. Bourdeau taught our first firearms safety class to help people in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts obtain their LTC or FID gun licenses. Since that time, Tombstone Trading Company has put over 10,000 students through our firearm classes with a team of NRA and Massachusetts State Police certified firearm instructors.

30 years later, some of the worst gun legislation to be passed in Massachusetts was signed by Governor Maura Healy on July 25, 2024. In this legislation was a revamping of the requirements for the training to get a firearms license in Massachusetts. With the stroke of pen, 30 years of training was effectively cast aside and we are no longer able to offer the classes we’ve been teaching for 3 decades. The same will apply to likely hundreds of firearm trainers in Massachusetts. Not only will instructors need to be certified in what course the Mass State Police develop (at the time of this writing, the new course has not been announced) but the new class requires live fire to be part of the course. This requirement will make it extremely difficult for most instructors to offer the class. Private gun clubs and ranges have liability issues to be concerned with and most do not allow instructors to use their ranges for classes like this. This new training mandate will undoubtedly result in higher fees for the “privilege” of getting a license to enjoy your 2nd Amendment right.

We are sad (and angry) to have to cease offering the classes that literally were the start of one of the largest gun shops in Massachusetts.

If you agree with us that the courses that were approved by the Mass State Police as acceptable safety classes for over 30 years should still be allowed, contact your State Representative and State Senator and voice your concerns.