Massachusetts House Bill H.4885, titled “An Act modernizing firearm laws,” introduces a series of overreaching regulations that impose additional burdens on responsible citizens.

  1. Enhanced Background Checks: This provision imposes yet another layer of bureaucracy on law-abiding gun owners. We already go through rigorous background checks, and adding more steps only serves to make the process more cumbersome without addressing the root causes of gun violence.
  2. Licensing and Permits: While the bill claims to streamline the process with electronic systems, it’s likely to create more red tape and delays. This is just another way to make it harder for responsible citizens to exercise their rights, potentially leading to increased costs and longer wait times.
  3. Banning Certain Weapons: The bill’s proposals to ban or heavily regulate specific types of firearms and accessories, such as assault weapons and high-capacity magazines, undermine the rights of gun enthusiasts and collectors. These bans do not address the issue of illegal firearms and only restrict the freedoms of law-abiding citizens.
  4. Training and Education: While firearm safety is important, the new requirements will add cost to the courses. The live fire requirements will prevent many instructors from offering the classes as they won’t have a place that allows them to conduct the training. For well over 20 years, the current selection of courses have proved adequate, why the change now other than to add layers of cost and complexity?

Overall, House Bill H.4885 is filled with measures that seem more about control than actual safety. It imposes unnecessary restrictions on responsible gun owners while doing little to address the real issues behind gun crime.

For more detailed information, you can review the full text of the bill on the Massachusetts General Court website(MA legislature)​​.